Women Owned Law Membership Information

Women Owned Law empowers women lawyers to achieve success in the business of law.


1) Connection: WOL is a community of like-minded lawyers and professionals committed to supporting each other.
• We host regular events designed to expand your network, virtually and in-person
• Our annual symposium is a forum where members deepen connections and learn together
• We have an active email list where members post jobs and referral requests
• We recently launched a Slack channel where members informally share events, tips and information with each other
• We have a monthly newsletter where members can share content and thought-leadership

2) Knowledge: In law school, they don’t teach you how to build your book of business and run a law firm. At WOL, we’re empowering women lawyers by providing access to information and tactical resources that help women thoughtfully build their careers.
• We host regular events and workshops focused on building, operating and scaling your business
• Members have access to archived program recordings from our virtual content
• When you join WOL, you’ll find a network that includes successful law firm owners who are happy to lend an ear and serve as mentors

3) Access to Opportunity: WOL is committed to providing its members with access to economic and growth opportunities.
• Members have an opportunity to showcase their work to others and gain access to referrals
• We spotlight members on our website and newsletter
• WOL participates in programs matching diverse attorneys with corporations seeking counsel
• WOL has a job board and our members regularly share referral and job opportunities through our listserv.

"WOL proved to be my most important connection resource during COVID. Our members are brilliant, talented, and generous in their sharing of tips, resources, referrals, and encouragement."

Ariana Tadler, Founder & Managing Partner, Tadler Law, LLP


"Since the commencement of Women Owned Law I have had occasion to search the database for referrals. I have made referrals to about five different attorneys. I have confidence in the attorneys who are members and feel comfortable referring clients to them."

Nancy Lanard, Founder, Lanard & Associates 


"Becoming a WOL member has made me aware of other women-owned firms, providing a source of inspiration and support, and also has given my company increased visibility to potential referral sources."

Andrea M. Ewart., Esq. Founder, DevelopTradeLaw, LLC

Membership Fees

$350/per year • The Practicing Attorney Membership Level is for attorneys currently practicing law and looking to master the business of law and exchange practical tips with peers. 

$500/per year • The Business Partner Membership Level is for anyone who wants to support the mission of Women Owned Law but is not currently practicing law.



We offer discounts for women owned law firms in their first year of existence and law students. We also offer group discounts for law firms or business partners who want to enroll 10 or more of their employees as members. We do not want the fee to be a barrier to access so if you have a particular financial need, please contact us to discuss alternative payment structures. For more information about any of these options, please reach out to [email protected].