Attorney Only Networking event
Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Category: Virtual Networking
Attorney Only Networking EventIn law school, they don’t teach you how to build a book of business or run a law practice. And many lawyers believe that putting your head down and doing good work are enough to succeed. But in our profession, opportunity -- and power -- comes to those who make it rain. Women Owned Law (WOL) empowers women lawyers to achieve success in the business of law. At WOL events, you will find a community of entrepreneurial lawyers who come together to support each other. WOL provides access to opportunities, tools and tactical resources that help women lawyers thoughtfully build their careers and businesses. Please join us for a virtual open house hosted by WOL Membership Chair, Jessica Shpall Rosen, Esq., to learn more about WOL and our powerful network. We’ll also have fun breakout rooms where you’ll get to meet like-minded lawyers and make some friends. Who knows—you might just meet your next client or referral source! This event is strictly for practicing attorneys. Open to Members & Non-Members.
We hope you'll take a break from your regular workday and join our action-packed session!